Compressive Sensing Resources | Rice DSP


这里分享一个Rice University关于压缩感知的资料集,以下

The dogma of signal processing maintains that a signal must be sampled at a rate at least twice its highest frequency in order to be represented without error. However, in practice, we often compress the data soon after sensing, trading off signal representation complexity (bits) for some error (consider JPEG image compression in digital cameras, for example). Clearly, this is wasteful of valuable sensing resources. Over the past few years, a new theory of “compressive sensing” has begun to emerge, in which the signal is sampled (and simultaneously compressed) at a greatly reduced rate.

As the compressive sensing research community continues to expand rapidly, it behooves us to heed Shannon’s advice.

Compressive sensing is also referred to in the literature by the terms: compressed sensing, compressive sampling, and sketching/heavy-hitters. ->完整内容